Action Learning & Training Series Menu

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Sustaining Engagement

2.5 HRS

Developing an anti-oppression organization is challenging work. That’s why individuals and organizations doing it will inevitably feel pressure disengage from it at times. The process of increasing capacity to advance justice within and through an organization requires that we find sustainable ways to manage complex competing demands and mitigate burnout.  This session addresses how to sustain engagement when the faced with fatigue that often comes with leading anti-oppression and DEI alignment work.

Without fail, conflicting priorities will arise as organizations decide how they will enact their commitment to addressing social inequity and advancing justice. Catalyzing, operationalizing, and sustaining social justice alignment requires that we manage and reframe how we think about these competing demands.

This session explores common organizational tensions and the DEI implications of critical decisions being made in their organizations. Participants will explore tools and frameworks for managing competing demands in ways that forge paths towards alignment with their DEI or anti-oppression commitments.

Decision-making for DEI Alignment

3 DAYS (3 HRS each)

Sometimes an organization’s desire for change and DEI alignment supersedes their readiness for change. This can leader to resistance and resignation when faced with the challenges of creating value-aligned social impact organizations. This session will help DEI supporters, advocates, and leaders understand how to recognize and effectively respond to stakeholder resistance during change process. Change leaders will use tools to assess stakeholder readiness and strategical engage with them in ways that increase the quality and effectiveness or their DEI engagement efforts.

Rethinking Resistance and Facilitating Stakeholder Engagement

3 DAYS (2.5 HRS each)

This 3-part therapeutic workshop series will help your staff explore their personal racial history within the history of law and policy in America. Over 3 sessions, participants will have an opportunity to explore and cultivate narratives to heighten their self-to-system consciousness. Participants will begin the work of forging a new vision of how to advance racial justice in their personal development and in their advocacy.

Organizations thrive where people are equipped to collaborate effectively across social, cultural, and cognitive differences are more innovative and better equipped to solve complex problems. However, without the ability to recognize and bridge across differences counter-productive conflict may emerge. Increasing the quality of collaboration, belonging and inclusion within and between teams requires that people in organizations have cultural self awareness, intercultural agility and skills for having difficult conversations about and across differences. This workshop provides opportunities for participants to recognize differences in communication, thinking, and behavioral tendencies and practices skills for improving collaboration and managing conflict across differences. (Extra time can be allotted to mediate specific challenges).

This workshop gives participants tools to explore and name how racial injustice is perpetuated through institutional systems. It explores how organizational forces might be leveraged to facilitate anti-oppression and DEI alignment. Participants will apply organizational change, intercultural development, and anti-oppression frameworks to themselves and their organizations as a first step for identifying areas for change on personal and organizational levels.

In this global society, it is increasingly likely that supervisors will manage people and teams with different social backgrounds and life experiences. This workshop is designed to help supervisors explore skills for socially conscious leadership. Participants will workshop 7 common management challenges with consideration for how cognitive, cultural, demographic differences impact supervisory and team dynamics. Participants will explore how targeted and privileged elements of their identity impact workplace interactions on interpersonal and institutional levels. Participants will explore coaching, management, and organizational change tools to broaden the range of behavioral choices they have to lead effectively across differences.

3 Days (3 HRS each)

Unpacking the Past for a path to a better Present

3 DAYS (4 HRS each)

Collaboration & Conflict Management Across Differences

3 -5 DAYS (2.5 HRS each)

Becoming an Anti-oppression Organization

3 DAYS (3 HRS each)

Supervising on the Intersections of Identity, Power, and Difference